Wednesday, June 29, 2011

What's your favorite under rated movie?

Everybody has one, a movie everyone says stinks, but you secretly

For me this subject starts and ends with Battlefield Earth: The Saga
of the year 3000.

It's a story of a man named "Greener" as is "the grass is greener" who
lives an almost stoneage society ruled over by Aliens from the planet
Psyclos who conquered the planet a century earlier. After he and other
humans are captured as slaves a greedy opportunistic Psyclo named
Teryl uses psyclo science to teach Greener technology, science,
reading and the psyclo language he also learns that the ruins of
cities that they think were built by giants were actually built by
people like them. So Greener using what the Psychlos taught him sets
about forming an army to repel the invaders. In the end Earth is free
and the planet Psychlo is destroyed.

People put this movie down for two reasons, it's written by
scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard and John Travolta's over the top
portrayal of Alien Teryl. Brush all that aside a Battlefield Earth is
actually a great movie about overcoming incredible odds and fighting
back a superior enemy.

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